

Creating a revised edition of Caring for Australian Wildlife required an enthusiastic team effort – with everyone working together to make this book a wonderful resource for wildlife carers. Sharon is very grateful, as their dedication and contribution to this project has been unconditional.

Sharon White has been a wildlife carer for many years, eventually developing and delivering a short course ‘Caring for Wildlife’. The book Caring for Australian Wildlife was initially published by Australian Geographic in 1997, and later became the textbook for the course. The following year she was asked to develop an accredited course ‘CAW100 Caring for Australian Wildlife’, which she delivered to many organisations in Queensland.

Over the years Sharon has been asked if she would consider doing an update of the book. Eventually she approached Australian Geographic, who allowed her to self-publish a revised edition.

In her free time Sharon volunteers at the Hervey Bay Information Centre, and is actively involved in Land for Wildlife and the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Fraser Coast. When she isn’t in the office, she can be found working on her wildlife friendly property – a safe haven for local fauna.

Peter White

Part-time Photographer
The book now comprises well over 200 pages and includes an additional 38 new photographs, which is entirely due to Sharon’s devoted photographer and husband Pete. If he’s not on the road delivering professional driving lessons, he can be found building nest-boxes for birds, insectivorous bats, possums and gliders.

Kirsty Ogden

Manager, Brisbane Self Publishing Service
Kirsty created the book cover design and interior page formatting for Caring for Australian Wildlife – guiding Sharon through each phase of the book-publishing process. Kirsty’s editing skills were also a valuable asset and Sharon highly recommends her professional services supporting authors who want to self-publish their book.

Alan Jennins

Director, Acclaim Technology
Alan took on the massive task of scanning and enhancing the photographs and illustrations. Sharon can’t thank him enough for all the time and effort he put into this project, ensuring high quality images were available for use in the book.

Michelle Beecroft

Director, Shell Graphix
Michelle is a professional graphic and web designer who specialises in the latest technology (and is a dedicated night owl). Sharon is delighted with her website and highly recommends Michelle’s exceptional skills.