Caring for Australian Wildlife – new book release in June 2020

This revised edition provides the most up-to-date information on the care of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife in Australia.

For new wildlife carers, this book will provide a comprehensive introduction to native animal rescue, rehabilitation and release.

There are many problems that can affect native wildlife, such as:

  • Habitat Destruction
  • Bushfires and natural disasters
  • Colliding with motor vehicles
  • Flying into glass windows
  • Electrocution on overhead powerlines
  • Plastics and debris in the oceans

Fortunately, there are many licensed Wildlife Care organisations throughout Australia who provide education and training for people who want to care for native wildlife.

The secret of successful wildlife rehabilitation is to mimic nature, providing natural conditions when possible. The aim is to release the animal back into the wild, strong and healthy with a good chance of survival.

New features include:

  • Appendix II: Food Mixes for Wildlife – including specific diets for different groups of native birds and reptiles.
  • Appendix III: Special Products for Wildlife – including a comprehensive list of milk replacers, foods and products from Australian suppliers such as Wombaroo & Passwell, Biolac and Vetafarm. This makes it so easy for wildlife carers to purchase online for quick delivery, if required.